RELEASE NOTES ============= v.1.3.7-release * New Feature - DSSAT translator: -- Close the daily output for seasonal strategy data to increase running speed. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fixed the issue that unsuccessful batch run might cause unlimited loop. -- Fixed the issue that unmatched DOME ID between desktop and faceit. - DSSAT translator: -- Fix the issue that soil carbon is commented incorrectly in the DSSAT input file. - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that skiprow use fixed 1 for cotton. Now use 0 and you can adjust row space from field overlay to manage row. -- Fix the issue that cotton should use openwt rather than yield for output. ============= v.1.3.6-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Now user can use their original seasonal strategy DOME file in the multi-GCM batch run. - SarraH translator: -- Now SarraHV33 is available for using (beta version). For use it in command line, use -H or -SarraH for crop model option. - DSSAT translator: -- Now will detect if the event date is missing. If missing, will give warning in the generated XFile and auto-commented that event. -- Use 0 as default value instead of -99 for FENAMT. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fixed the issue that unsuccessful batch run might cause unlimited loop. -- Fixed the issue that missing weather data or broken data link might cause unexpected failure during translation. ============= v.1.3.5-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Now user can provide two 2 soil layer thickness for soil splitting function SLRSET(). * Bug fixed - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that XF should get value from SLXF rather than SLRGF. -- Fix the issue that when using CMD mode to run historical data, the APSIM model could not get correct weather file name. ============= v.1.3.4-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Add support of batch feature in command line mode - APSIM -- Add APSIM 7.7 batch run file in the translation -- Add support of rice puddy management * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue for CTWN and C3MP sensitivity analysis. Now the correct climate ID could show up in the ACMO file. -- Fix the issue that CTWN function does not work well with case of using existed fertilizer events in the data set. ============= v.1.3.3-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Add input box for new feature - batch DOME. -- Revise the matching rule for weather data. Now it need experiment to provide both weather station ID (wst_id) and climate ID (clim_id) to get corresponding weahter data. - DOME: -- Introduce new type of DOME: batch DOME. It allows you to run multiple scenario translation by one click and minimize the amount of data files need be maintained. -- Add new DOME function CTWN_FUN() for simply adjustment one or more weather vairbale and fertilizer amount to do the sensitive analysis. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that when using aceb only mode, it will generate blank *.dome and *.alnk file. ============= v.1.3.2-release No significant changes, just release based on 1.3.2-beta2 ============= v.1.3.2-beta2 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Add scroll bar for user with small screen. - AgMIP weather translator: -- Now translate weather data into *.agmip format. Currently only available in command line mode. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that ACEB file is not automatically generated after translation is done. -- Fix the issue that clim_id missing in the DOME meta might cause QuadUI could not find corresponding DOME. - DOME: -- Fix the issue that soil splitting function got exception ============= v.1.3.1-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- New input box for supplemental data on GUI includes weather, cultivar and soil. -- No longer hide the linkage input box, and move the check box next to the linkage input box -- The aceb, dome, alnk and json file names should be assigned based on name of linkage.csv file and seasonal_strategy.csv file names (or field_overlay when there is no seasonal strategy) -- When applying any strategy DOME, historical observed data will be automatically removed. -- Change the ids get from DOME meta with following rule. check seasonal/rotational first, then field second, until find a non-blank value or reach the end. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that the checkbox for only generating ACEB is non-stopable -- Fix the issue that generated cultivar file might contain garbled characters -- Fix the issue that Same soil/weather DOME functions applied with different DOMEs to same soil/weather record might cause the soil/weather records duplicated in the JSON -- Fix the issue that QuadUI do not allow lower case in the seasonal dome name -- Fix the issue that hashed DOME id is not passed to the JSON -- Fix the issue that re-link weather/soil DOME statement is not working correctly in field overlay DOME. ============= v.1.3.0-release * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Now QuadUI support to input a supplemental source file which could hold weather, soil, cultival or even more. This is used for better file management which could avoid repeat same data file like weather, soil, cultivar or even other type of files in each suvery data package. -- Now support new format of DOME ID. The new format will include the climate ID in the naming rule. The old DOME IDs will still be compatible, but once it is loaded by QuadUI, the IDs will be auto-fixed in the output files. -- Now you can include *.json and *.aceb files in the source data zip package. ============= v.1.2.1-beta30-hf1 * Bug fixed - Translator DSSAT: -- Fix the issue that translator always store the last SDAT for each treatment * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Now you could include *.aceb file in the zip package and QuadUI will auto-combine the data. ============= v.1.2.1-beta30 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue when using ACEB only mode, you have to select one model, otherwise you will get warning message. -- Fix the issue that eid mismatched when generating files from existed aceb file. (The existed aceb file need to be re-generated with this version) -- Fix the issue that there is repeated blocks existed in the dssat specific block in JSON data * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Implement the ACEB only mode in command line - DSSAT translator: -- Update the data structure of simulation control section in JSON to match with FACE-IT project. -- Now can pick the simulation state date from XFile and store it in the root of experiment section. ============= v.1.2.1-beta29 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that linkage file does not work properly in the field overlay mode with CSV format data files which do not contain linkage information. ============= v.1.2.1-beta28 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Change the extension for DOME Binary file from *.aceb to *.dome -- Change the extension for Linkage file from *.aceb to *.dome, and change the format from ACE Binary to CSV -- Now QuadUI can read DOME file in *.json format rather than only ACE Binary format. (Command line mode only) ============= v.1.2.1-beta27 * Bug fixed - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that when read the information for auto-irrigation, mulch add or mulch remove event, the translator will be failed since they are not defined in the translator. - AGMIP translator: -- Now only use first 4-bit code of file name as wst_id. ============= v.1.2.1-beta26 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Add new feature for auto-replicate soil/weater data when different fields associate with same soil/weather data but applied with different overlay DOMEs. Based on this feature, you could just prepare one baseline soil/weather data and use different DOME for each experiment to apply the differences and create different senario data. * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that when there is duplicated soil/weather be auto-combined, the data link between field and soil/weather will be broken and cause missing data error. ============= v.1.2.1-beta25 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Ready for new version of ACMO report format, which will be used in ACMOUI 1.2-beta7 or later version. - APSIM translator: -- Add new mapping between SLRGF (ICASA) and XF (APSIM) ============= v.1.2.1-beta24 * New Feature - APSIM translator: -- Add new variable SLDRL for providing values for SWCON by layer. - QuadUI: -- Add new feature to handle the model specific files. More details could be found via the following wiki page. -- Update the UI to let user use the linkage feature. More details could be found via the following wiki page. - DOME: -- Add new function PTCALC() for calculating soil parameters. More details could be found via the following wiki page. * Bug fixed - DSSAT translator: -- Fix the issue that when read soil analysis data, the last layer might be repeated in the output. - DOME: -- Fix the issue that when apply LYRSET() to initial conditions data, it will only work for the first layer. ============= v.1.2.1-beta23 * New Feature - DOME: -- LYRSET() has been updated for the following points 1. Now support for working on initial conditions layers 2. Now handle the top 15cm of soil as two fixed layers, each with 5cm and 10cm thickness. For more detail and new samples, please check the updated wiki page as follow, ============= v.1.2.1-beta22 * New Feature - APSIM translator: -- New variables added for APSIM soil layer parameter. SLFAC <-> Fbiom (If missing, Fbiom will still be calculated from SLACC/SLOC) SLFIC <-> Finert (If missing, Finert will still be calculated from SLIC/SLOC) * Bug fixed - DOME: -- ROOT_DIST() now could work correctly for the case when using it for multiple variables in the same DOME, only the first one could work well. - CSV translator -- Now can recognize the undefined observation variable, like SWLD1, from the survey data template correctly. - APSIM translator -- Now the illegal charactor (for Windows file name) in the EXNAME could be handled correctly, no longer causes the missing reocrd in the ACMO report file. ============= v.1.2.1-beta21 * New Feature - DOME: -- Add new DOME function TRANSPOSE() for inserting multiple values into array structure. More detail could be found on the wiki by following link. -- Add new flag variables for irrigation and fertilizer in the root of data set when generate *.json/*.aceb file - DSSAT translator: -- Now can handling fallow experiment (not fallow treatment in the sequence experiment) * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that FILL an event variable value direct to the another variable is not working well. -- Fix the issue which has been fixed in the 1.2.1-beta18 (generating incorrect json from DSSAT input files) - DSSAT translator: -- Fix the issue when could not read the longitude and latitude from XFile correctly. -- Fix the issue #88 ( Missing soil analysis linkage in the data set. -- Fix the issue #89 ( Incorrectly sort the daily weather data when read year with incomplete daily records. ============= v.1.2.1-beta20 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Update the DOME applying process into multi-thread mode in order to inprove the performance, especially for the HPC * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the bug that EDATE (emergence date) could not be recognized correctly from input csv file. ============= v.1.2.1-beta19 * New Feature - DOME: -- Add new DOME function AUTO_IDATE() for automatically generating irrigation event based on GDD. The detail information can be found at following page. ============= v.1.2.1-beta18 * Bug fixed - Translator DSSAT: -- Fix the issue that caused incorrect JSON generated from reading DSSAT XFile. -- Now can read the zip file with folder structure inside correctly. * New Feature - DOME: -- Add new DOME function LYRSET() for spliting soil layer. The detail information can be found at following page. - Translator DSSAT: -- Change the default value rule for DSSAT simulation control. When the data set contain the original information, then do not apply the default value for some of the switches. ============= v.1.2.1-beta17 * Bug fixed - DOME: -- Fix a bug that might cause the calculated result from DOME function call could not been set back to data set correctly. This bug will influence the following functions only when appying to management event variables, like FEDATE, FEAMT and etc. DATE_OFFSET() OFFSET() MULTIPLY() -- Change the default planting date rule for AUTO_PDATE() function. When daily weather is not enough to calculate PDATE, will use the last day of window instead of the last day of valid weather data. - QuadUI: -- Improve the error hanlding to avoid freezing UI issue when read a broken zip file. - APSIM translator -- The error message will be output to log file correctly. - DSSAT translator -- Fix a bug which might cause missing information when first layer of second part of soil layer data in DSSAT file is missing, then the translator will ignore the other layers' data in the 2nd part of soil layer data. -- Fix a potential problem which might cause overwriting issue when generate weather file from the data set which contains different future scenario for same weather site. -- Fix a potential issue which might cause file overwrite issue when multiple cultivar records exist in the data set. ============= v.1.2.1-beta16 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the potential issue might influence generating and using linkage.aceb file for future -- Now the REPLACE_FIELD_ONLY will work for the function call correctly. ============= v.1.2.1-beta15 * Bug fixed - APSIM translator -- Changed the translator to always ensure a line gets written to the ACMO file even when the crop is still growing and hasn't reached maturity. -- Fixed the anthesis and maturity date format in the ACMO file for rice. ============= v.1.2.1-beta14 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that user have to provide output path when using the command line. - DSSAT translator: -- Fix a potential problem which might cause QuadUI running freezed. ============= v.1.2.1-beta13 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- When read data set NOT in the ACEB format, the QuadUI will try to record the relationship between eperiment data and DOME, and save those information into ACEB file called linkage file. Once the linkage file is generated, it could be used with other ACEB file together in the command line to avoid error report about missing linkage information. ============= v.1.2.1-beta12 * New Feature - APSIM translator -- Add NPLSB variable for population per seed bed. User can use NPLSB in the overlay DOME or survey data spreadsheet to provide value for it. -- Revise the batch file to make sure it could be used for 32 bit windows. - QuadUI command line -- Add support for CRAFT * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Revise the generating process for EID which is going to be used in ACE DB, but still need more effort on it. ============= v.1.2.1-beta11 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Revise the command line of QuadUI and fixed serveral minor bugs. -- Revise the handling for generating EID, which is used in ACE binary file (*.aceb) ============= v.1.2.1-beta10 * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Update the ACE binary file dumping function to generate ACEB file for both survey data and DOME files. -- Update the meta data format to match new ACMO template (4.0.1) ============= v.1.2.1-beta9 * Bug fixed - DSSAT translator: -- Add handling to translate DSSAT SLTX code to AgMIP standard SLTX code when read it from DSSAT files. For translation rule, please refer to - APSIM translator: -- Fixed the issue that the SummerDate and WinterDate were not convert to epected format correctly. ============= v.1.2.1-beta8 * Bug fixed - DSSAT translator: -- No more using INSI as WST_ID. Always get WST_ID from weather file name. - APSIM translator: -- Fixed the issue that CO2Y is not picked up from ACE data set correctly. - AgMIP translator: -- Revise valid CLIM_ID checking to fit future added letter. -- Fixed the issue that reading *.agmip file with survey data together does not work properly. - QuadUI: -- In the seasonal strategy analysis, switching scenario weather data via DOME does not work properly when provied multiple scenario for one site in the source data. P.S. Please check the CLIM_ID both in the DOME and survey data to make sure they are matching. Otherwist, the QuadUI will report error that no matching scenario data found. -- Always output 4-bit WST_ID in the ACMO_meta.dat file. -- Revise error report when no weather or soil data associated with a experiment. * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Allow user to provide multiple baseline weather data for one single site, but user need to assign value for CLIM_ID via DOME to let QuadUI know which one should be taken. - DSSAT translator: -- Add handling for reading in and writing out the CLIM_ID. v.1.2.1-beta7-hf1 * Bug fixed - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that translator doest not pick up CO2Y and ACO2 correctly from ACE data set. -- Fix the issue that even provide SummerU and WinterU, still give error message that U is missing. ============= v.1.2.1-beta7 * Bug fixed - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that SummerU, WinterU, CONA, SummerDateS__soil, WinterDate__soil are not read from data set correctly by APSIM translator. In addition, For SummerDate_soil and WinterDate__soil, if not given in the data set, will use equinox data (Mar-3 and Sep-3) as the default value, depends on the GIS info. - QuadUI -- If the output folder exists but is blank, then QuadUI won't generate new folder any more and left the old one blank. * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Now support the source data zip package can contain the combination of DSSAT, AgMIP and CSV file. The QuadUI can load them together and combine the data set. P.S. the WST_ID and SOIL_ID must be relevant with field so that they work properly. - DSSAT translator -- If read File name is not baseline format, then will record the CLIM_ID in the data set. The WST_ID will always be output with 4-bit value to the data set. ============= v.1.2.1-beta6 * Bug fixed - Seasonal strategy DOME: -- Fix the issue that AUTO_REPLICATE_EVENTS() does not pick up the SC_YEAR correctly. * New Feature - APSIM translator: -- Generate run batch file with other APSIM file together to let running APSIM model more easily. - QuadUI: -- Add information icon to give user hint -- Generate ACEB file seperately for raw data and DOMEs ============= v.1.2.1-beta5 * Bug fixed - APSIM translator: -- Fix the issue that KS is not picking up KS in the daata set. * New Feature - QuadUI: -- The variables which are not registered in the ICASA variable list will be put in the related section in the ACE data set when they read from raw data spreadsheet. ============= v.1.2.1-beta4-hf1 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that the following variables used by APSIM are not recognized by QuadUI correctly. apsim_kl - soil layer data diffusConst - profile data diffusSlope - profile data. ============= v.1.2.1-beta4 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the bug that soil/weather related Function could be failed if put them after the AUTO_PDATE() in the seasonal DOME. * New Feature - QuadUI: -- Add overwrite checkbox to allow create files to same -- Add remember last selection feature to avoid repeated operation - Agmip file translator: -- Now can support more flexible format of the AgMIP climate file. 1. The order of data column could be changed or missing 2. The variable value can be blank instead of having to be -99. - DSSAT translator -- When SASC is used, also write SAOC to Soil Analysis section in the XFile. ============= v.1.2.1-beta3 * Bug fixed - Agmip file translator: -- Fix the issue that VPRSD (Vapor pressure, average daily) uses wrong unit to create ACE data set. (Convert hPa to kPa) - QuadUI -- Fix the issue that some weather/soil variables read from raw data might locate into the root of experiment section. P.S. Unregistered variable in the ICASA list might still be put in the root of experiment section. * New Feature - Integrate the WOFOST model translator - Update REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS() function for the seasonal strategy simulation so that the data set can keep original crop information remained. * Other - Temporally close the data-DOME linkage feature for furture update. ============= v.1.2.1-beta2 * New Feature - Add Link function to allow user establish the relation between dome and data, especially for non-spreadsheet data. - APSIM translator has a lot updates to support more crops. ============= v.1.2.1-beta1 * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that REG_ID is not filled in the meta data correctly. -- Fix the issue that OM_TOT is not put in the correct position in the data set when it is loaded from raw data. * New Feature - Support load/output ACE Binary file (*.aceb) - Integerate CropGrowNAU model - The event data in the spreadsheet could be located separately, no longer have to be grouped together. - Output new run batch file to support DSSAT 4.6 model. - For DSSAT generated file, the applied DOME information will be print on the top lines as comments. * New added DOME function - All DOME: - CREATE command & NEW_EVENT() Function This function will generate a new Event with given information. It MUST be used with CREATE command. For more information, please check - Continuance mark (+) Use + mark to continually input DOME command with more readable style Please see the sample ============= v.1.2.0-Final Release * Bug fixed - QuadUI: -- Fix the issue that date type value not been handled correctly in the DOME file. -- Fix the issue that when running multiple translator together, the output json get incorrect content. - Translator DSSAT -- Fix the issue that when EXNAME from spreadsheet contain ".", the DSSAT translator might group experiments incorretly. -- Fix the issue that the SOIL_ID is not translated correctly in XFile when the original value is not matching the DSSAT format. -- Fix the issue that continually loading different data might cause the incorrect generated file name. -- Fix the issue that the simulation control section sometimes is repeated in the generated XFile . - Translator CSV -- Fix the issue when no generator rule in the strategy DOME, then no rules can be applied in that DOME file. v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-rc5 * New Feature - Integratie the STICS translator - Support to automatically apply selected DOME when load from model input files, but limit one DOME per run - Support regular rule been added after generator rule in seasonal strategy DOME - Support only read/output weather and/or soil data files (must be in zip package). - Log revising: reduce less important information been output in the log * New added DOME function - Field overlay DOME: - PADDY() This function allows standard paddy management inputs to be generalized for a field or group of fields. For more information, please check - AUTO_PDATE() Previously only be allowed to use in seasonal strategy DOME. Now is avaiable in field overlay to fill the missing planting date for some treatment. - Seasonal strategy DOME - AUTO_REPLICATE_EVENTS() This function will clone the original management events for each year in the experiment duration. Only the date of each event will be increased year by year. If experiment duration is no longer than 1 year, no generation will be executed. If work with AUTO_PDATE() together, then will generate event date based on generated planting date and original days after year. For more information, please check * Bug fixed - Fix OM_DIST function issue : use OM_TOT instead of OMAMT - Increase the maximum memory using to 768MB to avoid out of memory error v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-rc4 * Fix following bugs - No log output - Date type value not been handled correctly in overlay - Crop code handling is not correct. It should be 3-bit in the ACE data. - The water content in DSSAT initial condition section is not output correctly. - PLENV is not import in the ACE data correctly from DSSAT. * Support Fill static PDATE through overlay * Update FERT_DIST to have better logic for input arguments check * Revise the DSSAT input translator to make sure every variable name used for the ACE data set is matching with ICASA List v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-rc3 * Removed ZIP output from Translators * Added optional ZIP in QuadUI v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-rc2 * Implemented LookupCodes for DSSAT and APSIM v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-rc1 * Added DOME knowledge to the data (applied) * APSIM translator fixes * Added DATE_OFFSET() alias * Added REPLACE_FIELD_ONLY v.1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b1 ------------------- * Added climatology to ACE format * Added support for CO2Y in DSSAT * Fixed OMDIST() Dome function to use OM_TOT vs. OMAMT (bug) * Added OM_TOT variable to ace-lookup * Add CLIM_ID for ACMO v.1.1e-rev1 ----------- * Removed assumed value in DSSAT translator for SLNF and SLPF (needs to be in DOME file) * Tweaked ACMO output for date formatting * Fixed a naming bug from DOME generated exnames v.1.1e ----------- * Updated to latest version of Master Variable List ** NOTE: This version moves SLTX (Soil Texture) to the soil.csv, please update templates. * Updated CSV parser to fix skip blank lines properly * DSSAT translator now running with multiple threads. * Updated ACMO output for FIELD_OVERLAY and SEASONAL_STRATEGY * Updated ACMO to include TRT_NAME * Fixed CSV parser to append default treatment number * Fixed DSSAT translator: - Lat, Lng fixed (were swapped) - Fixed format fixes for soil profiles - Fixed alignment in XFile output - Use TRT_NAME if available - Switched from append mode to overwrite for soil and weather files - Fixed ZIP file outputs to work with QuadUI v1.1d ----------- * DSSAT files exported to single XFile v1.1b ---------- * Support for mutliple DOME applications per experiment * Support for multiple DOME descriptors in a ZIP file. * ACMO_meta.dat is being generated by QuadUI and put into the output of each model specific directory * [RESOLVED] Out-of-order experiments from CSV files.